HERS Rating.
HERS stands for the Home Energy Rating System. This standard was set by RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network). Here is a brief description of how the HERS Index works in cooperation with RESNET standards.
The HERS Rating Index shows where your home compares with its energy usage, almost like a miles per gallon but for your house. For example, this particular home is sitting at a 65 and the “Reference Home” is at 100. This means the house at 65 uses roughly 35% less energy then the reference home. As you can see, the lower the better.

Blower Door Testing.
A Blower Door Test is required when completing a HERS Certification. This tests the building air-tightness of a home. It helps us measure the leaks in a home while also improving IAQ (indoor Air Quality).
When performing a blower door test, we make sure the building envelope is completely closed off to the exterior. This includes windows, doors, dampers, (not diapers), and ALL ventilation systems are OFF including the AC system.
After everything is ready we set the house to a depressurization. This means that all of the air that is inside the home is now being forced out through our fan, causing air to flow through whatever leaks it may find. Our gauges measure the exact CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) flowing through those leaks. We also have tools to find out where the leaks are coming from. Call us to schedule your blower door inspection.

Home Energy Assessments.
We are your Central Florida area expert in home performance and healthy homes. Our highly-trained and BPI Certified team treats your home as a completely integrated system. We are able to diagnose home performance issues through our comprehensive energy audits. We then implement energy-efficient solutions for insulation, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Learn more about our process and how we can help you save money on your energy bills!
Duct Testing.
A Duct Test is also required when completing a HERS Certification. This test measures the amount of leakage through a ducted HVAC system.
The way a duct test is performed is very similar to the blower door test. Except this time we are more worried about the duct system being completely sealed off. This means having a fan set up at your main return, kind of like the one for the blower door but much smaller, then making sure all of the supply registers and return grills are sealed with either tape or vent caps.
Most of the time the duct system is run through the attic of a home. In Florida we all know that attics can get very hot. Who wants to be cooling off the hot steamy attic instead of your house? Definitely not your power bill.

Third-Party Drainage Plane Inspections.
Drainage plane inspections are important to make sure the home’s moisture barrier is installed to current building standards ensuring proper installation of house wrap and lath.
The Drainage Plane of a home is the barrier on the building envelope that keeps moisture from getting inside. This includes house wrap, flashing tape, peel and stick application, caulk for sealant around penetrations, and proper flashing strategies. It is our job to ensure that these items are installed correctly without ANY deficiencies.
If a drainage plane is not properly installed it can cause many problems including cracking in the stucco, mold, improper IAQ (indoor Air Quality), and many other issues that damage the integrity of a home.
HVAC Calculations.
Conservation Plus is a division of JV Southern LLC, and can provide load calculations before you outfit your spaces with an HVAC system. A load calculation takes into consideration the specifics of your home or office to ensure you purchase the right size unit. If your home is clammy and/or humid, it could be a sign that your HVAC is not the right size for your structure. Contact us to learn more and schedule your load calculation.

Tax Credits.
We can qualify you for government tax credits that help you save money on your new construction home or retrofits. There are also plenty of rebates that can be verified by one of our qualified raters.
Energy Efficient Mortgages.
Energy Efficient Mortgages act as a catalyst to help increase your pre-approval amount for a mortgage. For example, if you are looking at a home that provides energy efficient characteristics, we are qualified to document those savings and send to your loan officer resulting in a higher pre-approval amount.

Our Environmental Consulting Services Include:
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Our Location
Conservation Plus
107 N Apopka,
Inverness, FL 34450